FINSKO 20 - Rauma


FINSKO 20 - Rauma


Dalsi finsky vylet - mestecko Rauma, asi 120 km severozapadne od Turku. Historicke centrum mesta je na seznamu UNESCO - typicka finska architektura, nizke barevne drevene domecky, plne obchudku (samozrejme zavrenych, co chcete v nedeli a v listopadu k tomu! :)
A uplnou nahodou jsme se v mistnim kostele prichomytly ke krtinam malickeho Fina nebo Finky. Krtila ho ohromne sympaticka fararka s uzasne dlouhym copem a cela zalezitost me jaksi zvlastne oslovila... a po rozjimani o smrti v poslednich dhech mi zase pripomnela i jine stranky zivota. Neco skonci, neco dalsiho zacina.

!!! Fotky od Franzi: :)

Another Finnish trip - a town of Rauma, approx. 120 km northwestern from Turku. The historical centre is protected by UNESCO. It's a very typical Finnish architecture - low colourful wooden houses, with many shops (almost all of them closed, naturally. what do you want on Sunday and even in November! :)
And by accident, in the church, we came across a bapticism of a little Finnish. He or she was baptized by a very symphatetic female priest who had a wonderful very very very long plait. All the thing was quite special for me in a certain way... and after thinking about death in the last days, it showed me that there are also another aspects of life. Something ended, but something else starts.



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Canon EOS 500D


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FINSKO 20 - Rauma
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